Kubla Cubed Tutorial | Cross Section Visualisations and Exports
Are you ready to revolutionise your earthworks estimation process? Join us in this video to learn about the Cross Section measurement element which is used for visualising a slice through of the terrain, and displaying both the existing and the proposed topographies in a graph. In this tutorial we look at how to: 📐Create Cross Sections: Use the revolutionary cross sections tool for dissecting terrains. Discover how to display terrain slices, highlighting both existing and proposed surfaces through informative graphs. 💼 Elevate Your Projects: Whether you're in construction, engineering, or project management, the insights from cross section visualisation are indispensable. Witness how these insights empower you to make informed decisions that shape the success of your endeavours. 🚀 Masterful Export Techniques: Learn how to effortlessly translate your cross section visualisations into CAD, PDF, and Excel formats. Seamlessly share and collaborate by integrating your Video recorded using Kubla Cubed 2019. #EarthworksEstimation #CrossSectionVisualization #SoftwareTutorial Website: https://www.kublasoftware.com/kubla-cubed/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KublaLtd Twitter: https://twitter.com/KublaSoftware LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kubla-ltd-.